Positive Change

Our New Website (2)

Positive Change

As most likely you know, I have been providing financial and retirement advice to Australian families for over 20 years and during that time I was lucky to get to know many amazing people.

As a point of interest:

  • my oldest client today is 94 years of age, still sharp thinking, but her legs are slowly giving in.
  • the client that I have looked after for the longest period of time, well.. we had our 28th anniversary of working together.
  • I have a client whom I call: “dog whisperer” he can communicate with dogs like no other person I have ever seen.
  • I have another client who is a passionate hiker and she walked by herself through the whole New Zealand both islands included from the top north end right to the bottom south.

But doing something for a long time, does not mean however, one should just continue doing the same thing, we need to evolve, adjust with times and keep on improving as we progress in life or at work.

So I have taken feedback that I have been receiving from my clients and from people watching the About Retirement TV channel and based on your comments, we have created a new website, that has just gone life.

It is modern, refreshing, and much better organised. The main part of the feedback was that the old website got so big, it started to look and feel heavy, unorganised and difficult to navigate. And slow, really slow.

So, let’s just quickly go over the new website, not only to show what’s included, but more importantly, how you can benefit from it.

HOME page:

  • the new website welcomes you with a beautiful photo of a couple looking forward to their golden years of retirement with my favourite quote
  • It very clearly defines how I can assist you:
  1. Retirement Planning – Providing you with a personalised plan for your retirement
  2. Financial Security – Creating investment portfolios that are specifically designed for retirement income security and longevity
  3. Aged Care – Creating plans for Aged Care, in most cases this is when one partner needs to enter Aged Care while the other stays at home, or when children have to step in to assist both or one parent in that change. This area is very regulated and complex, so it requires specialist knowledge and support.
  4. Estate planning – another specialised are of advice. I am lucky as many years ago, I was working for a Trust Company, it was acquired by Perpetual, but while working there as a financial planner, I also worked alongside lawyers, therefore I was exposed to many legal issues that arise if the planning is not done correctly.

On each page of the website there is a button: BOOK A MEETING which is the easiest way for you to book my time, initially for an hour, so we can discuss your personal situation and problem. You would be surprised how much can be discussed and cleared within one hour of conversation. If more help and assistance is needed, then I will explain what steps you will need to take and what options are available to you.


On this page I explain each service.

As you can see there is one extra specifically designed for women named: WOMEN AND MONEY.

Many women started embracing their financial responsibility and building their estate for secure future, but I can still speak to women that feel lost and overwhelmed when it comes to the topic of money.

Then there are women that are currently going or have just gone through a harsh divorce or those that lost their partner and dealing with money is just not within their current frame of mind.  Those situations apply to man as well, but somehow women find the situation much more difficult to move on and start putting their lives back on track.

So if this is you, please reach out and book a meeting with me.

As you most likely know, I am a hiker at heart, therefore always exposed to nature, so it only makes sense that ETHICAL INVESTING is close to my heart. If you are sharing this passion with me, let me know so I can assist you in understanding ethical investing.


This is a page to disclose my professional and personal information, so you can get to know me well, even before we meet.


  • NEWS – this is where you will find all the articles I have written. You can select the topic of your interest. I think there is well over 150 articles there by now.
  • FORMS AND CALCULATORS – under calculators you can check your spendings, this is an easy way to check your budget as per AFSA comparison for singles and couple as per modest and comfortable lifestyle. We have updated the calculator to reflect listed spendings from 2023.
    Then there are number of useful forms for you to download. Some in relation to superannuation, others for Age Pension
  • EBOOKS – three short eBooks that I written for you.
  • FINANCIAL AND LIFE QUOTES – my favourite quotes listed at some point in videos.


Here you have the full library of all the videos I have ever created, so you can watch them via YouTube or via my website. They are also all divided into topics, so it is easy to find the one you might be interested in.


Here you can find testimonials of some of my clients who were comfortable to share their opinion on the experience and the level of service provided. I hope this will help you to decide if I am the right person to ask for assistance and a plan for your retirement.


Ever important contact details. As you can see we can have a meeting in our office or via online facility such as Zoom, so the distance is no longer a limit.

At the top of each page, there are links to social media, our office telephone number and a subscribe button. If you haven’t subscribed yet, please do, so you can be updated with all the changes that can impact your retirement and your financial planning. To make it easier for you, you can also subscribe from each page, by scrolling down to the very bottom.

While we are showing you the bottom of the page, this is actually a very important area of legal disclosure. This is how you can check if the financial planning office is a legal and legitimate entity registered by ASIC or not. You might be shocked how many shonky, unlicenced advisers you would find, either via google or YouTube. This is illegal activity and you have to be very aware not to fall a victim of such unlawful activity.

First you have a disclosure about the financial planning practice: ABOUT RETIREMENT as well as me as a financial planner and a licensee ASIRE FINANCIAL SERVICES. Our office is self-licensed which provides ability of independent advice to you as my client. I believe, this is a very important aspect of financial planning, and advice provided to you.

It should be at arm’s length with no connection to a product provider and with no commissions or kicks back or any other financial benefits to the practice or financial planner.

Then view all the links listed in the footer:

  • Adviser Profile – all the history and current legal information about me as a financial planner
  • FSG – Financial Services Guide – this little brochure explains what financial planning is and what advice can you expect from the advisor and a practice, important explanation if the practice provides “Independent advice” or there is “Lack of independence” as per my previous explanation.
  • Public Complain Policy
  • Privacy Policy
  • Other Disclaimers

So please read them all prior to our meeting.

And lastly, if you are a client of our practice, in the footer of website you will find a LOGIN button to your personal account with us, this is how we communicate with clients and where we can exchange documents ensuring full data security and protection of your personal details.  

So I hope you will find this new website helpful please use it to learn and improve your financial outcomes.

And let me know how you are finding the new website, please leave a comment below the video, good, bad and suggestions for improvement.

If there is anything specific to be incorporated on this website, you think most people could benefit from, please let me know in the comments below the video or jump onto website’s contact page and send me the message.

To have a meeting with me, as explained just use the BOOK A MEETING button that will take you to my personal calendar where you can choose the day and time for us to meet to discuss your personal financial situation and how you could improve it.

By: Katherine Isbrandt CFP®
Money Strategist & Retirement Planner
Principal of About Retirement

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