Federal Budget – May 2024A new Federal Budget 2024 has just been introduced by the government. Please keep in mind that many of announcements have not been...
How the land you own affects your Age Pension
How the land you own affects your Age PensionMany people who are preparing for retirement or who have already retired live in the country on the sizable land,...
Positive Change
Positive ChangeAs most likely you know, I have been providing financial and retirement advice to Australian families for over 20 years and during that time I...
Steps to prepare for retirement
You are ready to retire, and now what? Steps to prepare for retirement.I’m sure that in every country you have to put some thought into planning for your...
What’s Planned for 2024
What’s Planned for 2024 HAPPY NEW YEAR I do hope you had an amazing Christmas with your loved ones, and that you managed to welcome the New 2024 Year with...
Is gifting money for Christmas a good present
Is gifting money for Christmas a good present I don’t know about you, but I have noticed that the older I get, the busier I am, the faster the time passes....
How much life is costing you in retirement?
How much life is costing you in retirement? This is the question I get asked very often by new clients, followers of this YouTube Channel or readers of my...
How to achieve happy and successful retirement
How to achieve happy and successful retirement Last week I wrote about: “When is Age Pension going to be raised to age 70” and I created a poll for you to...
When is Age Pension going to be raised to age 70
When is Age Pension going to be raised to age 70 It has only been few months ago, on 1st July 2023 to be exact, when the Age Pension age was raised to 67....
How to create safe income in retirement?
How to create a safe income in retirement? Working with retirees over the years, one thing that I have learned is that it is not the highest rate of return...
What assets can I have and how much can I earn to keep Age Pension entitlement
Before I start our topic of today, first I would like to sincerely thank you for lovely birthday wishes, but even more importantly for the congratulations on reaching 1 Million views.
Age Pension improvements – empty promises
So today we will be talking about the Age Pension changes and increases, and we will check how beneficial they really are. | Age Pension Improvements