How to help children to buy home Properties in every Australian city have gone up to astronomical values. The same has been happening in the country, and if...
Estate Planning
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What Happens to Your Super When You Die
What Happens to Your Super When You Die For most Australians, superannuation is the second biggest asset we have. It is one of the most used forms of savings...
Super Death Benefit gone terribly wrong
Super Death Benefit gone terribly wrong I want to tell you a story of a beautiful young girl, 23 years of age, who has just started her professional career as...
Wills – are they really necessary?
Wills – are they really necessary?Sometimes your own life is the greatest teacher! This is what happened in mine, that I have to share with you. As you can...
The A-Z of Inheritance
The A-Z of Inheritance Inheritance is an emotional subject on every level. The people leaving an inheritance generally do it with pride and love. The people...