Why You Should Eat 3 Whole Eggs A Day

Why You Should Eat 3 Whole Eggs A Day

Eggs are the most common ingredient when it comes to preparing our breakfast in the morning. Cooked, fried, scrambled, poached, you name it. Who doesn’t like to wake up to a healthy breakfast of eggs and possibly bacon? Eggs can be prepared in many different ways and can be eaten both cold or hot.

Eggs are one of the most important foods in the world. They absolutely belong on your plate. Not only because they are so tasty and versatile, but also because of the great nutritional value. This is despite the poor reputation that eggs sometimes have because some people think that egg yolks contain a lot of cholesterol and affect their diet.

These myths, however, have been disproved by researchers who have discovered that eggs are a good source of essential minerals and vitamins and also contain a high level of amino acids that we use to build up muscle mass. Have you ever wondered how many eggs you can eat per day? Or what would happen if you ate three eggs every day?

1. It develops a healthy brain

Egg yolks contain a lot of choline, which is necessary for the proper functioning of the human brain, especially for the development of the brain in newborn babies and fetuses. When eggs are eaten during pregnancy, their consumption improves the development of the brain and the functioning of the baby’s brains.

2. It protects the health of the bones

Vitamin D is necessary for the absorption of calcium and improves the health of the bones. A lack of vitamin D therefore increases the risk of osteoporosis or other bone problems. Vitamin D is present in only a few types of food and that is why shortages arise. When people are not exposed to the sun, especially during winter, they have a lack of vitamin D. One can naturally ingest the necessary vitamin D by eating eggs.

3. It prevents a shortage of iron

The most common symptoms of a shortage of iron are: irritability, fatigue and headaches. Two large eggs, however, contain 2 milligrams of iron. If you regularly eat eggs, your iron levels will be significantly higher

4. It protects the eyesight

Egg yolks are full of lutein. This is a type of carotenoid that prevents macular degeneration, the main cause of blindness. Lutein can also be found in green leafy vegetables, but it is more easily absorbed from egg yolks. Egg yolks also contain a lot of zeaxanthin, an antioxidant that protects against ultraviolet radiation.

5. It leads to weight loss

Eating eggs gives you a sated feeling and therefore helps you to limit the intake of calories during the day. It also helps you to lose weight. Eggs are rich in proteins that increase your energy level and prevent high blood sugar levels and high insulin levels.

6. It is an inexpensive way to care for your health & your body

Eggs are relatively inexpensive when you add up all the above listed benefits. And although I always say that budgeting is one of the best ways to improve your savings, eggs are an example of “the more you pay, the better the quality”. So, go to the Farmers Market, go for a drive to a country and buy fresh eggs, eggs from farms where chicken run freely as the nature intended. Spend more to get the best quality.
You should eat three large eggs a day if you want to avoid a visit to the doctor. To improve overall health, you should immediately include eggs in your diet. Make sure you also eat the egg yolk, because that is very healthy as well.

Source: FactaHolics

By: Katherine Isbrandt CFP®
Money Strategist & Retirement Planner
Principal of About Retirement

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