Dreaming of Beautiful Retirement?

Getting ready for retirement

Superannuation is how most people save for their retirement during their working life. Employers must contribute 11% of your taxable income to your super. This is set to rise to 12% by July 2025.

If you rely on superannuation alone as your savings vehicle, unfortunately you might end up with insufficient balance to provide you with your needed retirement income once you stop working.

As a rule of thumb, most people generally require around 60 to 65% of their pre-retirement income to live comfortably.

Super is regarded as an effective and preferred way to invest for the future, due to the many tax benefits it offers.

Superannuation (1)

Since 2006 Katherine has overseen my husband Andrew‘s superannuation portfolio with complete integrity. We have also sought general financial advice from her over that time and know that we can trust her to give the best advice possible.

Initially, our relationship with Katherine was at a purely business level but, over the years, we have come to know her as a trusted friend; who has my full recommendation.

– Gale Wainwright

Superannuation is a great retirement savings vehicle if you get it right. It provides many tax benefits and if investments are set correctly with great deal of diversity and reasonable fees, it can prove to be a long-term investment star for your “golden years”.

If you are really dreaming of your beautiful retirement, we need to find strategies that will work for you, provide you with peace of mind and a solid financial outcome, so you feel comfortable and supported in knowing that you have done everything possible to reach your dreams, your goals and your financial freedom for your retirement.

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